put "HyperCard Quik Reference Stack" into Field "title"
-- part contents for background part 2
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User Preference Level Definitions
Short File and Edit Menus, plus the Go menu. Use of Browse tool.
Same as Browsing, plus ability to edit text in existing fields.
Same as Typing, but with full File and Edit menus and use of tools menu ( plus Paint, Options, and Pattern menus when a Paint tool is selected ) Use of all Paint tools (but not Button and Field tools), plus Power Keys option.
Same as painting, plus Objects menu. Use of Button and Field tools
Same as Authoring, plus ability to type into Message box while its hidden ( If proper option checked ) and ability to write and edit scripts.
-- part contents for card part 8
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HyperCard Quik Reference Stack
-- part contents for card part 10
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-- part contents for card part 14
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This stack created by Norm Goodger of the MacInfo BBS.......@415-795-8862
show menubar
-- part contents for background part 17
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This Stack Created By Norm Goodger of the MacInfo BBS....@415-795-8862